Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Favorite Breweries

Name your 3 most favorite breweries in order. I know it is tough, but if you could only drink beer from 3 breweries for the rest of your life what would they be?

1) Founders (don't think I could live without their delicious stouts)
2) Two Brothers (love their wide array of styles they do)
3) Three Floyds (hate their distribution, but love their beer, anything they make is just delcious)


  1. 1. Founders
    2. Great Divide (still my favorite raspberry beer + Yeti et al)
    3. Bell's (I want to go elsewhere with this but Oberon, Two Hearted and Hopslam...)

    Honorable Mention: Bear Republic, New Belgium

  2. 1. Bells
    2. Founders. Forgot your lunch? Have a Founders instead.
    3. Sam Adams - purely for the wide range of decent beers. If I'm only drinking from 3 breweries, I want all my bases covered.
