90 Schilling is a very good amber ale. It pours with an ever-so-slight head that stays around for quite a while. It has a very nice smell with slight citrus aroma. The color is a fantastic "copper" according to the bottle, and I would have to agree. It has a medium body, right in the perfect drinking zone where its not too light and watery and not too heavy and chewy. Balance is the name of this game. It leaves only a minimal amount of lacing on the glass.
Note: Distribution from Odell sticks between the Rockies and Mississippi River for now.
Had this beer at the Denver airport about two months ago. Thought it was one of the better amber/scottish ales i've ever had. Wish I could get in IL.
ReplyDeleteI'm in Boulder for break, so I've had it a couple of times since Saturday. At least IL is closer to MO and MN than MI is...
ReplyDeletevery true