Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Layman's Beer Wheel

(via PopSci) Ever seen professional beer wheels that relate different tastes to the chemicals that cause them? This wheel is a bit more user friendly than that. Want to achieve a certain taste in your next home brew? Take a look at the wheel to see what can be used to create that taste. Also note the "BAD" section, lest your porter taste like soy sauce.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Beer, Antitrust, and the Justice Department

The Wonkblog at the Washington Post published an interesting snippet about how the Justice Department will file a suit to block the merger of AB InBev and Corona, the #1 and #3 brands in the industry. AB already owns half of Corona's parent Modelo and had announced a $20 billion purchase of the other half.

Gotta keep that competition in the marketplace.